Programming Homework
P4: Harris Corner Detection
Goal: Learn to implement Harris corner detector
Practice Harris corner detector by OpenCV
Understand the effect of parameters of Harris detector
Readings and sample codes
OpenCV tutorial on harris corner detector 4.x
You have to run this tutorial code with cornerHarris function and get different results by changing values of the three parameters: k, ksize, blockSize.
(optional) Harris corner detector by Matlab
Web Report
Create a web page with descriptions, explanation and pictures for your programs.
Requirements of the report page:
For each program code, you have to write 4 parts: (1) goal of this code, (2) theory and principle of the code, (3) code segment explanation, and (4) result comparison or analysis.
Use your image to run your programs. Please choose a good image for this homework.
Change parameters of algorithm's functions to get different result images.
Compare and discuss the result images, and explain why the change of parameters can produce different results.
Submit your web address by Microsoft Teams.
For OpenCV tutorial code 4.x
(10%) You can get extra bonus scores if you can modify the code to run more corner related functions, such as cornerEigenValsAndVecs(), cornerMinEigenVal(), and cornerSubPix().
For the Matlab code
(10%) If you can run the code and compare its results with OpenCV's results.
(10%) If you can explain the code in details.
(10%) If you can write an OpenCV version of Harris detector according to the Matlab code.